REUTERS/David 'Dee' Delgado

Majority support counties instituting their own mask mandates as COVID-19 cases increase

By Wes Styles Jul 29, 2021 | 6:48 AM

The CDC this week recommended that even the full-vaccinated wear masks again indoors while around groups of people. Other recommendations included students K thru 12 do the same regardless of vaccination status. This all thanks to the Delta variant that makes up more than 80% of new COVID-19 cases in the US.

A new YouGov poll asked “Would you support or oppose counties instituting mask mandates if COVID-19 cases are increasing in their area?”

47% strongly supported the idea while 19% somewhat supported it. 18% strongly opposed with another 8% somewhat opposing.

Do you support of the idea of your county or even town/city imposing its own mask mandates?