February 23, 2022 – Ancient Athletics announced they will open their 2022 season in Decatur, IL on April 30. “Ancient Athletics is one of the most active Highland Games groups in the country. With 10 games in the Midwest, we’ve had a full schedule, but as soon as a spot opened, we started scouting Decatur locations. The Decatur Hotel and Conference Center had everything we need to put on this event and was excited to work with us. We hope to make Decatur an annual event.” said Dan White, of Ancient Athletics.
A long and storied tradition
It’s said the Highland Games originate from Ireland in 2000 BC and that they crossed the water to Scotland with the fourth and fifth century migrations of the Scotti. The highland games are as iconically Scottish as kilts, and bagpipes. The first organized Highland Games in The United States took place in New York in 1836. No longer strictly the domain of the Scots these days competitors with ages from 13-60 of all races, sexes, and levels of experience kilt up and compete. So, the D-Town Throw Down Highland Games will be helping add a cultural event to our community that celebrates a long and storied tradition. The D-Town Throwdown Highland Games will be free to spectators and will feature Scottish Heavy Athletics at the time of this release there are 40 athletes in 9 classes registered. The Heavy Athletics side of the Highland Games are generally comprised of 9 events:
The Caber toss: Has come to symbolize the Highland games and no gathering in the world would be complete without it. A length of tree trunk between 14′-22′ long is ‘tossed’ with the primary objective being to turn the caber end over end falling directly away from the athlete.
The Sheaf toss: A burlap-wrapped bundle weighing between 10 and 20lbs is tossed vertically with a pitchfork over a bar that raises with each successful throw. Athletes get 3 attempts, greatest height wins.
Heavy Weight over bar: An implement weighing between 28 & 56lbs is thrown vertically using one hand over a bar that raises with each successful throw. Athletes get 3 attempts, greatest height wins.
Heavyweight for distance: An implement weighing between 28-56lbs is thrown one-handed using any technique. Longest throw wins.
Lightweight for distance: An implement weighing between 14-28lbs is thrown one-handed using any technique. Longest throw wins.
Heavy Hammer: With the feet in a fixed position, a 16-22lb hammer is whirled about the athlete’s head and thrown for distance over the shoulder.
Light Hammer: With the feet in a fixed position, a 12-16lb hammer is whirled about the athlete’s head and thrown for distance over the shoulder.
Braemar Stone: A stone weighing between 13-26lbs is thrown one-handed with no movement allowed.
Open Stone: A stone weighing between 8-22lbs is thrown one-handed. Thrower is allowed any throwing style so long as they do not step out of the throwing box.
The games sometimes also include events such as tug of war, stone lifting, and a kilted mile footrace. There will be a $40.00 registration fee for competitors which includes lunch and a t-shirt. Registration can be found online via AncientAthletics.com
Heritage attractions
In addition to the Highland Games, there will be representatives of the St. Andrew’s of Society of Central Illinois present to provide membership information. There will also be a Clan Row. The Clan area is a colorful and educational part of any Highland Games. If you are looking for genealogical information, historical information regarding the Celtic Clans or just generally interested in Celtic life, Clan Row is the place to be. Visit Clan Row and see Clan tartans, histories, and affiliations. There are currently representatives from Clan Logan, Clan Lockhart, Clan Donnachaidh, Clan McFarlane Worldwide, and Clan Sinclair slated to attend.
Sponsorship opportunities are also available.
For more information, visit their Facebook page or their website.