
2022 MMX – Midwest Music Expo at Millikin University

May 7, 2022 | 1:30 PM

May 7, 2022- Millikin University hosted its’ 5th annual Midwest Music Expo.

The event was held in the University Commons on Millikin’s campus from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A variety of artists, musicians, designers, producers, and singers, were in attendance.

Martin Atkins, coordinator of music business at Millikin University, and some Millikin students, started the event in 2019.

This year’s event featured 43 speakers, 25 vendors, an array of panelists, and live music.

Some of the speakers and panelists included Chicago Attorney Eddie Sanders; Audrey Martinovich, co-owner of Audio for the Arts; Orville Kline Ableton, certified trainer and DJ; Aly Swengel of Decatur Health and Wellness/Float Decatur; and Martin Atkins.

Keynote speaker, Wendy Day, founder of Rap Coalition, spoke on how she and her nonprofit connect with aspiring artists and help them remove themselves from bad contracts, and lead them towards good deals that will put them on the path for success. 

She also spoke about how she works with artists and makes them realize how important authenticity is, especially when it comes to marketing yourself online.

“People want to see that you are authentic, Day said. “This is a really difficult time if you are gonna try to pretend to be something that you aren’t. Make sure there is some truth. Just make sure that when you are spreading who you are, people can really feel you.”

To learn more about Wendy Day and Rap Coalition, visit the Wendy Day website.

Check out the 2022 Midwest Music Expo (MMX) photo gallery below.