
PHOTOS: 2022 Duck Derby at the Children’s Museum of Illinois

Sep 25, 2022 | 11:03 AM

September 25, 2022 – The Children’s Museum of Illinois held their annual Duck Derby this weekend and one lucky winner walked away with the grand prize of $3000.

1st Place went to number 36. That lucky duck went to Jerger Pediatric Dentistry, the sponsor of the annual event.  The sponsor purchased the tickets and distributed them to their individual employees, so the actual name of the winner is not yet known. Taking home second place and $1500 was lucky duck number 1948 belonging to Allison Matusin. Third place number 1148 belonging to Cindy Martin received $350.

The derby saw around 5,000 numbered rubber ducks race in heats throughout the day down a water-propelled new racetrack built by Mueller Water Products. The new track included interactive elements for kids and a recirculation system so water was reused race to race.

Check out the photo gallery below: