
MCLETC Police Recruits Donate Blood to Central Illinois Hospitals at Blood Drive

By Bryan Bridge Oct 2, 2022 | 5:11 PM

October 2, 2022 – Last week, more than 70 police recruits from Class 22-18 donated blood in a drive held by the Macon County Law Enforcement Training Center (MCLETC) and ImpactLife.

This is part of a partnership between MCLETC and ImpactLife. To teach recruits the importance of community service, the organizations hold five to six blood drives a year for each class. Before each blood drive, Dani Craft (Recruitment Development Coordinator from ImpactLife) meets the recruits for an hour-long training session to show them the significance of their donation.

“The recruits not only have a duty to go out and work and serve in their community, but MCLETC wants to help the recruits understand that service goes full circle,” she said. “And what the young men and women are doing here will not only save lives in their community; it may someday turn around and save their own [life] because their line of work is so dangerous.”

This drive was Police Recruit Andrew King’s first time giving blood. When asked why he decided to give blood, Recruit King said, “Our whole job is about giving back to the community, so it’s just another option for us to do. It’s exciting, especially because we have so many people who are ready to give.”