
New mountain lion exhibit coming to Scovill Zoo

Nov 15, 2023 | 2:14 PM

November 15, 2023 -In addition to improvements to the Camel exhibit, Mountain lions will be coming to Scovill Zoo next year.

On Wednesday, November 15th, the Decatur Park District Board of Commissioners approved an agreement to construct a new Mountain Lion Exhibit and Camel Holding Building at Scovill Zoo. This new two-thousand-square-foot outdoor exhibit will include rock outcroppings, ponds, caves, a glass viewing area for patrons, and an interactive area where zookeepers can feed and train the mountain lions.

“We are excited to continue the growth of Scovill Zoo with the addition of a Mountain Lion Exhibit” stated Scovill Zoo Director, Ken Frye. “Zoo staff are humbled by this gift and look forward to sharing this new exhibit with Decatur and Central Illinois.”

Going by several names such as: puma, cougar, and panther, the mountain lion can grow up to seven feet long and weigh 150 pounds. These cats can leap 18 feet up into trees and are good sprinters in short distances.

Also included in the project is a new animal holding building that will house the mountain lions when not on exhibit and a new indoor holding space for the existing camels, Jack and Fin, at Scovill Zoo.

Funding for this project came from private donations and construction is expected to be completed by August, 2024.