
ADM and Living Lands & Waters celebrate Earth Week with educational outreach

By Lindsay Romano Apr 23, 2024 | 6:22 PM

April 23, 2024 – When Mike Coyne-Logan, Educational Facilitator for Living Lands and Waters, pulled an old toilet seat from his bin of trash found in the Mississippi, the first graders of McGaughey Elementary erupted in laughter. Coyne-Logan caused even more laughter when he used a doll from his junk bin to play “peek-a-POO” with the toilet seat. Funny junk and jokes aside, Living Lands and Waters, along with ADM, is working to spread the serious message of the importance of our nation’s waterways.

Living Lands and Waters, along with corporate partner ADM, is visiting McGaughey Elementary and Argenta Oreana schools this week as part of ADM’s celebration of Earth Week.

Adam O’Connell,  ADM Decatur Area Complex Environmental Manager said the decades-long partnership with Living Lands and Waters demonstrates ADM’s commitment to environmental causes and sustainability. “It’s really just about getting out into the community,” O’Connell said.  “It’s a passion of ours to really try to bring this information to an age that will take it to heart and possibly make changes in the future.”

Living Lands and Waters is an environmental organization that was established by Chad Pregracke in 1998. Since the organization was founded, Living Lands & Waters has grown to be the only “industrial strength” river cleanup organization like it in the world. So far the group has cleaned up 13 million pounds of garbage from US rivers and waterways.

Angelina Adams, First grade teacher at McGaughey Elementary said the presentation is helping students learn how to be good stewards of the environment. “We always want to incorporate Earth Day activities around the week of Earth Week in general. . bringing together science and social studies as much as possible and this presentation hits multiple areas,” Adams said. “This also gives us an opportunity to talk about the environment and the importance of our rivers and oceans.”

In addition to educational outreach for Earth Week activities, ADM Decatur employees and Living Lands and Waters will plant trees at Decatur’s Fairview Park.