May 13, 2024 -The new owner of the historic Powers Mansion will host an open house to give the public their first views inside the legendary home and to help raise funds for its repair.
The open house, held in conjunction with History of the Heartland, will be hosted by the new owner Ms. Norma Fick on May 15 from 4pm to 6:30pm. The cost is $5 per person with all the funds going to the restoration fund. This tour is part of the 6th annual Historic Preservation Week.
Parking is available only at the First Evangelical Lutheran Church at 250 West Decatur, or on the Church Street side of the Decatur Professional Plaza, located at 363 South Main Street. The owners of these lots have agreed to allow the public to park in these lots to attend the tour. There will be NO public admittance down the 400 block of South Edward.
Tours will be in groups of 10 people and History of the Heartland has a team of volunteers that will be stationed in various rooms in the mansion to give people a bit of the history and legend of the home, the Powers family, the Jarvis family, and the previous Bachrach restoration.
“History of the Heartland knows the importance of letting people see the home before the restoration begins. Thousands have followed the story of the Mansion on our Facebook page and are curious now to have a look inside,” says History of the Heartland chairman, Bret Robertson.
“The first 500 attendees will receive a unique oversized postcard picture of the Mansion in its current state; instructions on how to contribute to the restoration fund is on the back,” said Ayn Owens, event coordinator and founder of History of the Heartland. Owens recently spoke with the former owner, Ed Bachrach, about his hope for the future of the mansion. “I am delighted the Mansion is in new caring hands,” said Ed Bachrach, former owner of the mansion. The Bachrachs restored the Mansion during their ownership period from 1988.
The Powers Mansion is located at 357 West Decatur Street.