
Local transportation committee to host street festival and planning event September 10

By Lindsay Romano Sep 3, 2024 | 6:35 PM

September 3, 2024 – The transportation planning committee for Decatur and Macon County, known as DUATS (Decatur Urbanized Area Transportation Study), is hosting a street festival and transportation planning event on Tuesday, September 10.

The event will take place from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Decatur Public Library green space. 

Community members are invited to participate in the planning process for the region’s Long-Range Transportation Plan. DUATS, the regional transportation planning entity for the Decatur area, includes agencies such as Decatur, Macon County, the Decatur Park District, Mt. Zion, Forsyth, and IDOT. 

According to DUATS, public participation is crucial in securing state and federal resources for local transportation projects.