scukrov / Depositphotos.com
March 2, 2025 -Operation Enduring Support is now accepting donations to be sent to deployed troops. The faith-based support group is also requesting APO/PPO addresses of troops abroad.
Items needed include: boxed Girl Scout Cookies, 2025 calendars, puzzle game books, playing cards, duct tape, protein and breakfast bars, Slim Jims, non-perishable crackers with peanut butter or cheese, non-perishable chicken or tuna salad spreadable snacks with crackers (no pork), gum, individually wrapped candy, individual powered drink mixes, 5 blade razors, black ball point pens, 4×6 note pads, eye glass wipes, eye drops, Chapstick, combo shampoo/body wash, bath sponges, and individual hotel size shampoo, conditioner, and lotion.
Donations for postage ($26.00 a box), and items to fill boxes may be mailed or delivered to Grace Methodist Church, 901 N. Main St., Decatur IL 62521 Monday -Thursday 9am-4pm. Contact Karyn 217 429-5374 to advise of any drop-offs.