
City planning prescribed burn at Oakley Sediment Basin

By Lindsay Romano Mar 16, 2025 | 9:50 AM

wildnerdpix / Depositphotos.com

March 16, 2025 – During the week of March 17 to March 21, the City of Decatur is planning a prescribed burn near Oakley at the City’s sediment storage basin.

The prescribed burn will be conducted by trained and experienced professionals. It is designed to decrease fuel for a potential wildfire and to manage the vegetation inside the basin. The City says that care will be taken to ensure safety and minimize smoke from blowing towards homes, roadways, or other smoke-sensitive areas. There are absolutely NO hazardous materials at these sites and citizens should not be concerned.

The property located at 6705 Angle Crossing Road in Oakley is owned by the City of Decatur, and the burn complies with City Code Chapter 48 concerning native plantings and burning by City officials. It also complies with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency as detailed in the Open Burning Permit issued to the City of Decatur. Local authorities and fire officials have been notified the burn will be taking place.

The burn day is dependent on favorable weather conditions. The City says it will send communication again when they know the exact date and time of the burn.