March 16, 2025 – The Macon County Conservation District is offering two van trips to visit IL historical sites this spring.
On Sunday, March 30 from 7am to 6:30pm, take a trip to the Black Hawk State Historic Site in Rock Island. Naturalists will lead the group on a walk along one of the trails at the on-site Nature Preserve. In the afternoon, visit the Hauberg Museum to learn about the history of the Sauk and Meskwaki people. At 2pm, award-winning Ojibwa author Kim Sigafus will lead a presentation called Singing Bird and the Importance of Native American Women in Illinois History. Lunch is on your own; at a nearby restaurant at noon. The cost is $40/person.
Tuesday, April 30 from 9am to 4pm, join Macon County Conservation District for the Historic Homes in Springfield trip to visit two unique historic homes in Springfield, IL. The tour includes the Dana-Thomas House – a home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright at the turn of the 20th century. After a guided tour, there will be lunch nearby before visiting the Edwards Place Historic Home for a private tour and historic craft, where you will make our own Victorian Cards. This Italianate mansion was a social hub during Lincoln’s time in Springfield, and is home to the ‘courting couch’ on which he and Mary Todd sat during their courtship. Lunch is on your own, all other costs are covered. The cost is $30/person.
To register, click HERE.