
Decatur City Council reviews 2025 proposed City budget

By Lindsay Romano Oct 16, 2024 | 3:57 PM

October 16, 2024 – The Decatur City Council began its review of the 2025 proposed City budget during a study session on Monday night. This was a special meeting and no action was taken. Highlights from the discussion include:

Neighborhood Revitalization should continue, with $1.5 million allocated for demolitions, and $300,000 for residential home rehabilitation projects. This is estimated to be a reduction in demolitions compared to FY24.

Public Safety can continue to improve with more staffing and funding for training. The Decatur Police Department proposes adding seven Police Patrol Officers, which would increase the department to 154 authorized sworn officers. Subsequently, the budget includes more funding for recruitment of patrol officers. As for the Fire Department, they propose adding a third Fire Inspector and a Deputy Chief to oversee training. Both departments included increased training in the budget.

The Transportation Services Department proposes to continue transformation of the Decatur Public Transit System. The proposed budget reflects significant capital investment (grant funds) into facilities, technology, and amenities for the transit system. It also contains funding for extended evening hours, Sunday service, and support to begin micro-transit services to address the lack of taxis and ride-sharing services in the community.

The City’s Fiber Network can continue to grow in FY25. The proposed budget includes continuing a current project running fiber across Lake Decatur, allowing the City to connect to facilities we previously could not. The IT Department and Public Works Department will continue to connect traffic light controllers to the Fiber Network to increase remote serviceability.

Plenty of continued infrastructure and capital improvement projects are included in the Public Works Department budget. Project details are in the recommended budget HERE.

There are 15 new proposed positions compared to the FY24 adopted budget: seven Police Patrol Officer positions, Deputy Fire Chief of Training, Fire Inspector, two grant-funded mechanic and laborer positions in Transit, a second Deputy City Manager, Assistant City Clerk, Human Resources Manager, and a Projects Manager for Economic & Community Development Department.

Total expenditures in the recommended budget, excluding interfund transfers, are $271.5 million for 2025.

The budget will now be revised based on the Council’s suggested feedback. Next step – the budget will be submitted for a public hearing and community input phase. The Council can again amend the budget to reflect public feedback before taking any final votes. To review the entire proposed budget, visit www.decaturil.gov/177/City-Budget