
Decatur Public Transit to launch new electric hybrid buses Friday

By Lindsay Romano Jan 16, 2025 | 3:52 PM

January 16, 2025 -New electric hybrid buses will hit the roads for Decatur Public Transit (DPTS) this week.

The Gillig E-gen Flex electric hybrids are an effort to provide cleaner transportation as DPTS continues its transition to a Zero Emissions Fleet by 2040. The buses do not require charging and can operate fully electric for up to 200 miles per day, significantly reducing emissions and operating much quieter. On the non-electric side, these buses will use B20 Biodiesel. DPTS has found that B20 produces lower emissions, better gas mileage, and is cheaper.

DPTS will geofence areas for the buses to operate fully electric, typically in higher-populated areas. Once the bus crosses into the geofence area, it automatically converts to 100 percent electric and then back to hybrid when it leaves the area.

Five hybrids have been delivered and two are ready for launch on Friday, January 17th. They will replace diesel buses on two of the most-popular transit routes that operate along MLK Jr. Drive and N Water Street. The other three hybrids, once retrofitted, will join the active fleet in the near future. The five buses were completely funded by federal and state transportation grants.