
Decatur Park District to resume normal operations

By Michelle Mitchell Jun 11, 2021 | 2:45 PM

June 11, 2021 – With Decatur entering Phase 5 of the Restore Illinois Plan today, the Decatur Park District’s recreational opportunities and facilities will resume normal operation, following the CDC, IDPH, and Macon County Health Department’s safety guidance and procedures.

With capacity restrictions lifted, Splash Cove and Scovill Zoo will no longer require advanced reservations for entrance, walk-ups are welcome. If you have already made a reservation for this weekend, it will still be honored.

The Decatur Indoor Sports Center will operate at full capacity as well as The Devon Lakeshore Amphitheater. Classes, events, and programs will also return to full capacity. Masks will still be required when traveling on United Airlines operated by Sky West through the Decatur Airport.

Beginning Sunday, June 13, Splash Cove will move into regular operating hours of Saturday through Thursday 12:00 pm to 6:30 pm (season pass holders can enter at 11:30 am) and Fridays 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm (season pass holders can enter at 11:30 am). For Splash Cove pricing, program hours, group visits, and rental options, please visit the Splash Cove website at www.splashcove.org.

In accordance with current health guidelines, face masks are encouraged for those who have not been fully vaccinated when unable to social distance.