January 18, 2023 – The Community Foundation of Macon County (CFMC) announces 33 nonprofit organizations and schools have been accepted to the Indiana University Lilly School of Philanthropy “Principles and Techniques of Fundraising” course coming to Macon County in February. Normally, it would cost an organization $2,000+ to send a staff member to Indiana University for 4 days to complete the course. Thanks to the generosity of CFMC donors, this internationally recognized school is coming to Macon County and will only cost each participating organization $100 per staff member.
The 4-day “Principles and Techniques of Fundraising” course will dive into the practical skills of effective fundraising including current fundraising research, ethics, building a fundraising base, solicitation strategies, preparing a fundraising plan, and more. This trademark course is 1 of 4 courses offered by The Lilly School of Philanthropy to earn a Certificate in Fundraising Management. Earning the certification demonstrates a commitment to philanthropy and the fundraising process.
“The IU Lilly School of Philanthropy is the gold standard in fundraising education,” says CFMC President, Natalie Beck. “Our nonprofit organizations are all doing incredible transformative work, and the skills they will learn in this course will allow them to build more effective fundraising programs and create real lasting change for Macon County.”
For information about the IU Lilly School of Philanthropy “Principles and Techniques of Fundraising” course, contact CFMC Director of Communications, Rachel Moran, at 217.429.3000 or email her at rmoran@maconcountygives.org.
2023 Lilly School of Philanthropy
Principles and Techniques of Fundraising Course Participants
- Baby Talk
- Boys & Girls Club of Decatur, Shamika Madison
- Boy Scouts of America, Shiowa Karsten
- Children’s Museum of Illinois, Rikki Parker
- Decatur Area Arts Council, Braun Sheets
- Decatur Block by Block, Ellen Hearn
- Decatur Day Care Center, Jacqui Smith
- Decatur Family YMCA, Danielle Diskey
- Decatur Parks Foundation, Alyssa Delatte
- Dove, Inc., Darsonya Switzer
- Energy Assistance Foundation, Kim Mangan
- God’s Shelter of Love, Dan Watkins
- The Good Samaritan Inn, Nicky Besser
- Heritage Behavioral Health Center, Mary Garrison
- HSHS St. John’s Hospital Foundation Children’s Miracle Network, Alexandria House
- HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital, Julie Moore
- The Land Connection, Dana Vollmer
- Macon County CASA, Gussie Reed
- Macon Resources, Inc., Alexis Boyd
- Millikin University, Alyse Knust, Derekah Kingery, and Paul Lidy
- Northeast Community Fund, Angel Lawrence
- Prairie Flower Montessori School, Kristine Hansen
- Prairieland Service Coordination, Lezlie McCoy
- Project Read Plus, Julie Pangrac
- Richland Community College Foundation, Tara Mata and Loren McGinnis
- The Ripple Foundation, Wade Ripple
- Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Illinois, Abby Koester
- The Salvation Army of Decatur, Kyle Karsten and Shanell Debela
- Sista Girls and Friends, Melverta Wilkins and Kendra Hentz
- Special Olympics Region I, Joanie Keyes
- United Way of Decatur & Mid-Illinois, Aric Lee
- Woodford Homes, Inc., Tim Macken and Rachel Roetteger
- YWCA University of Illinois, Monique VanGuilder